Find strength & power in times of chaos
Three workshops to find your strength in challenging times

Palvelun kuvaus
Objectives of the training: - Develop the flexibility of our brain to cope best with the different sides of reality: risk or chance; chaos or potential; failure or rebirth... - Become aware of the implicit patterns that drives our decisions - Consolidate our strengths and contact our full potentials that are sometimes neglected - Develop the power of our intuition Content and price of the training: 3 interactive Zoom workshops of 2 hours 45min for a total of 250 € - Workshop 1: "FROM A SIMPLE ADAPTATION TO THE MISSION OF LIFE". Monday 24/01 from 17:00 to 19:45 (CET) We will make full use of both hemispheres of our brains to meet the challenge of adapting to chaos. • Systemic laws of adaptation • And if we were here for a specific reason, what would it be? • Our four intelligences • Aligned with our mission, we move mountains without effort. Outside this path, huge efforts produce only limited results. An effective right brain/left brain dialogue will bring us a clear awareness of this. - Workshop 2: THE TALENTS Tuesday 02/02 from 17:00 to 19:45 (CET) •We will contact our essential qualities, our unsuspected charisma. •Symbolic communication tools, tales, metaphors, make it possible to reveal the implicit. - Workshop 3: INTUITION IN COMMAND Tuesday 16/02 from 17:00 to 19:45 (CET) The intuition is not only ineffable, it is also based on proven techniques. •Understand the power of intention: attention without tension •Comprehend the difference between "Using the treasure or serving the treasure..."